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Play Therapy


Traditional methods of therapy do not always adapt to a child’s unique emotional needs.


Play therapy is a tool that enables children to work through emotional issues in a way that is familiar to them. With a trained play therapist in a safe, accepting environment, children recreate situations that resemble their current emotional struggle in order to gain understanding, resolution, and an increased sense of competency. Children can express pain, hurt, sadness and anger. A wide variety of toys, puppets, sand, water, and art supplies are made available for the children to use to express their emotional concerns.


Through this method and the care of loving adults, children’s lives are transformed. NewPath Mental Health Services has the skill and experience to bring hope and a future to these precious little ones. The counselors at New Path have spent countless hours with children over the past 15 years helping them to cope with painful experiences. Children are able to work out their frustrations and emotions through child-directed play therapy, which allows children to show deep suffering without having to use words to explain it.


Along with play therapy, we offer family therapy and adult therapy. Both help parents deal with their personal challenges so they are free to love and care for their children.



Get Help


If you'd like to explore how play therapy may help your child, call 763-566-0088 and speak to our Client Services Coordinator or stop by the NewPath Mental Health Services office at 8401 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 340, Golden Valley, MN 55426 to find out about services you are interested in.






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