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Treatment for Harmful Sexual Behavior


NewPath has expertise and commitment in the treatment of harmful and unwanted sexual behaviors.  We offer programmatic assistance in several areas.  Clients in Restoration Project, Restore, and Female-focused Sex Offense Specific Treatment are typically referred to us through corrections departments at the county or state level. 


We have also developed programs tailored to specific needs within the community population, such as a group therapy program called CrossRoads targeted toward individuals challenged by unwanted sexual behaviors (primarily porn use).  


Restoration Project

​The Restoration Project program is designed to assist individuals who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviors. This program is, on average, about two years in length to complete and includes both individual and group therapy components. Participants in the Restoration Project program attend 2.5 hour in-person group therapy sessions once per week,  co-facilitated by two therapists, and also attend individual therapy sessions bi-weekly. Therapists in our Restoration Project program work closely with each client’s probation officer to ensure the best coordination of care. This includes facilitating quarterly meetings with the client and probation officer to review progress. Treatment plans are based on risk-needs-responsivity and the Restoration Project is rooted in The Good Lives Model in order to take a strengths-based approach.



The RESTORE Program is a subset of the Restoration Project and is recommended for clients who do not clinically indicate for the full complement of sex offense specific treatment. Clients who need assistance with healthy sexuality, boundaries, and a deeper understanding of consent are recommended for this shortened version of the Restoration Project. Participants attend individual therapy weekly or bi-weekly for a maximum of 18 sessions. A recommendation for a shorter version of sex offense specific treatment may come out of the Psychosexual Evaluation; from a Judge presiding over the case; a request from the probation officer; or out of a clinical intake interview as assessed by a NewPath clinician.


Female-focused Sex Offense Specific Treatment Program (FF-SOSTP)

NewPath Mental Health Services therapists work with female clients with a history of sexual offending. Participants in Female Focused Sex Offense Specific Treatment attend therapy weekly or bi-weekly and work on the pathways to offending that are unique to women. This means an individualized treatment program that incorporates healthy sexuality, boundaries, and consent, as well as the distinctive mental health needs that co-present with female offenders.


NewPath is also able to offer group therapy to females who have offended.  Group therapy is an effective element of the treatment process.  Clients in group may be receiving treatment at NewPath or at other treatment centers that specialize in the treatment surrounding sexual offenses.  For these clients, we coordinate care with their primary therapist.



CrossRoads is a support group for individuals who are seeking help with pornography addiction or other problematic sexual behaviors.  This supportive therapy group is facilitate by mental health professionals with specialized training in problematic porn use and and other sexual behaviors.  Therapy groups have a healing and transformative power, and it is our commitment to provide a therapy space where participants feel welcomed, accepted, and safe.


Get Help


For more information please call 763-566-0088 and speak to our Client Services Coordinator or stop by the NewPath Mental Health Services office at 8401 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 340, Golden Valley, MN 55426 to find out about services you are interested in.






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