Some statistics from Samuel L. Perry’s “Addicted to Lust” compiled by David Vraza MA.
Perry observes, “conservative Protestants are routinely exposed to seductive messages about sexuality from a culture that is daily growing more brazen, and more at odds with their traditional, Christian sexual ethic. Deluged with sexual imagery and temptation at every turn, devout Christians, male and female, young and old, have nearly limitless opportunities to violate their own values.”
From 2016 data:
About half of Americans ages 18-30 who are “practicing Christians” actively seek out porn at some point in a given year.
One-fifth of practicing Christian young adults (ages 18-24) actively seek out porn at least weekly, and 44% come across porn at least weekly even if they are not actively seeking it out.
Over one in three practicing Christian millennials (ages 25-30) actively seek out porn at least monthly.
Nearly one in five practicing Christians married men actively seek out porn at least monthly.
Over one in five youth pastors currently “struggle” with porn use and well over half of these pastors consider themselves “addicted.”
Over 94% of youth pastors and 92% of senior pastors believe porn is a bigger problem for the church now than it was twenty years ago.
Basically, practicing Christians hate porn and watch porn.
What is the frequency of your porn use? Does your porn use leave you feeling like you violated your values? Come and join us at NewPath on Monday evenings to speak freely and with curiosity about the effect of pornography on our lives.
For more information, please call 763-566-0088 and speak to our Client Services Coordinator or stop by the NewPath Mental Health Services office at 8401 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 340, Golden Valley, MN 55426 to find out about services you are interested in.